omar & muneeba - baltimore walima
shooting a walima - the final event in the long series that is a south asian muslim wedding - is always a little less hectic than a wedding ceremony itself, but it was a particular pleasure to be a part of omar and muneeba's walima. they are both such wonderfully down-to-earth people with lovely families who absolutely made me feel welcome as a friend... plus, i adore shooting in Baltimore harbor :) this time, at the hyatt regency right on the water. also, mad props to the amazing doug pettway for being an awesomely supportive and professional second shooter!
wedding postsAyesha Ahmadbaltimore, bride, desi, gold, groom, harbor, hyatt, inner, light st, muslim, pakistani, photography, portraits, purple, regency, shaadi, stage, walima, wedding, white1 Comment