the stepaniks: family portraits

vince and carrie are my absolutely wonderful across-the-street neighbors; they moved in not long after we did, and we were thrilled to be joined by another young family in our quiet neighborhood. ethan is about a year younger than musa, but the two have always gotten along fantastically - what's not to get along about, when they both have backyards they can run to, trucks to play with, lawnmowers to push, bikes and scooters to ride? little evan is just over a year old but so eager to follow his big brother around. the boys are just so exuberant and happy - it was such a pleasure to do a fall family shoot with them. we picked a gorgeous, late-fall afternoon, the light was perfect, and we chose centennial park in columbia, a place that's always breathtaking in the fall with its towering woods reflected in a placid boating and fishing lake, and a paved running trail winding all around - not to mention a great are a few of my favorites from the afternoon and evening!